What does it mean to overcome?

My child, you have already overcome.
You have stood faithfully.

Many do not understand what overcoming actually is.

  • Overcoming is not rooted in the natural.

  • Overcoming happens in the spirit—in the invisible, unseen realm—and then it manifests in the natural.

  • Overcoming happens when you stand—against all odds—contending for the answer
    to the cries of your heart.

    It requires preserving.
    If there is no resistance, no pressing through, no fighting for the promise,
    then by definition, it is not overcoming.

Things that just happen in the natural without a process are great… but they simply don’t require

If you get a quick breakthrough, or a sudden answer to prayer, enjoy it!
It’s great when things are going smoothly.

Those are wonderful gifts in life.
Everyone wants these things.
Revel in them when they happen.

You overcome when choose to believe and stand in My promises—in the midst of your pain
and difficulties. 

I am the God of the impossible, and it is My delight to shore you up and come through for you.
But the strength that is built in you when you overcome will be needed
for you to prosper and flourish longterm.

Come, lean into Me
and I will show you how to live above your circumstances.

You can live in My joy and hope regardless of what’s going on with you in the natural.