Stay in Me

My beloved, stay in Me.
Stay in worship.
Worship is being connected to Me.

  • It’s loving Me more than whatever is going on.

  • It’s seeing who I am in the midst of where you are.

  • It’s agreeing with Me and lifting Me up in it.

  • It’s the truest, most pure, secure place that anyone can live.


Worship is the key to alignment.
You will always be aligned when you are lifting Me and My Kingdom ways up.

  • Love

  • Humility

  • Truth

  • Honor

  • The fruit of My Spirit

 You will never be disappointed when you are anchored in Me;
when you are filled with—and connected to—Me.

For I am goodness and the fullness of joy.
I am strength and wisdom.
And, I am your Father who only has your ultimate good in mind.

So, if something happens that you’re not happy about, come to Me.
Ask Me what I am doing with/in you, in it.
Lift Me up in it.
You will find Me, and I will show you what I am doing.

You are My child.
I want to give you My best, and I want you to grow into all that I have designed for you to be.
I love you.
I love who I made you to be.

Step in, and stay in Me in it all.