Finding Him in It

LORD, what are You doing here with me?
The pain is so great…
You are my Healer!

Oh My sweet, sweet love. 
I know.
I know you don’t understand.
I know you’re in a lot of pain.

Can you trust Me in it?
Can you let Me walk you through this?
I know you want things to change now.
And, they will change.
They will subside.
Don’t focus on them.
Do what is before you and believe—above all things—that I am God.
I am mighty.
I love you.
And, I am working all things out for your good, and for My Kingdom glory.


My daughter, this is building, establishing, and strengthening something in you that cannot be taken away, and that you will be able to impart to others.

  • This has eternal ramifications.

  • This is for My glory.

  • This will pass.

  • I am your healer.

  • I am your ever-present help in time of need.

  • I am your great love.

  • I never take My eyes off of you and I hold you ever so tenderly in My heart.

  • You are My greatest delight.

  • You are truly the apple of My eye.


And, My love, this is creating a ground, a richness of soil, a wisdom and knowledge that will bear the sweetest, most nutritious fruit.
Different fruit every “month of the year.”
You will never lack bearing fruit in this rich place of trust and intimacy with Me.

So, rest.

And, even enjoy the treasures that I am bringing to you in the “darkness” of this time.
You will teach this and bring freedom to so many people.
This is a big part of your call and destiny.
Receive all that I have for you.
And, I will show you parts of Myself that you haven’t seen or known yet.
Search for them with Me.
Delight to discover My beauty and different aspects of My goodness.
Oh I have so, so much to share with you and give you.

You will get it.
You will prosper and flourish.
You will exceed and excel.
And, you will be a mighty one to crush and dismantle the schemes and plans of the enemy.


So, My sweet one, let Me love you, comfort you, and hold you.