Securely Hinged

My child, I love you.
Soak in that.
Let no other reality in.

Don’t entertain any other thought.
Everything MUST hinge on the never changing truth of My love.

 How practical is my love when:

  • you are in pain?

  • you are asking for something but you don’t see an answer?

  • you are crying out for something and you don’t see Me coming through for you?

What do you do then?
Can you stay in My unchanging, never ending love during these times?

This is your key.
This is your security.
This is where your strength and hope arise from.
This is where you can sing in victory because you KNOW that I am your good, good God.

And, where My truth is not contingent upon what you see and feel.

Beloved, My mercy will triumph over any and every thing that is going on in your life
because I am setting you up for the greatest success.

As odd as it seems to you, it is My mercy that is requiring you to wait during this time.

It is My mercy.

Remember that I see things you do not yet see.

And, My love, I will show you how to walk out this time of difficulty.
You will do this with soaring color if you stay rooted in My love.

Be loved.
Be held.
Behold Me in it, mighty, humble one of Mine.