A Psalm of Assurance

Father, I feel sad, like the wind has been taken out of my sails.
But You are my wind. You are the Ruach, the breath of God.
So fill me.
Let me see clearly and be encouraged by Your truth and ways.
Let me know You and love You in all Your ways.
Let me live in Your power and anointing, in Your Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

Lord, help me in this time of trouble.
Bring Your healing to my body,
restoration to my heart,
and wisdom in the decisions I need to make.

My child, you can come continually, every moment of every day.
Seek My face and My presence will surround and fill you.

This is where your hope is.

This is where you can be full of courage in all that is before you—because I have you.

The scariest place is where you don’t know where to land, where you feel disconnected.
This is where desperation can seep in.

But when you know that you are held by Me,
and I have only good for you
and I do all things for My righteous and eternal purposes, you will be settled.

You will be at peace.

So come.
Let Me hold you.
Hear—feel—the rhythm of My heartbeat for you.
There is comfort and strength here.

 My love, everything you face must first pass through the fire of My love,
of My right and holy ways.

So, when you start to feel frustrated and helpless, stop.
Ask Me to hold you, and rest in the truth that I only have good for you.

My promise to you is that I will perfect all that concerns you.

Remember that these light and momentary afflictions are working in you a far and exceeding weight of glory…
so let Me love you exactly where you are.
I am with you in it.