Your Path

Yes, My child,
I haven’t forgotten anything I’ve promised.
In fact, all that i have for you I’ve already put into motion to bring to fruition in your life.
Just keep walking forward.
And as you do you are getting stronger.
You are seeing things all around you that you would not see if you were not walking this path that you’re on.

Everyone has a journey with much before them.
There are treasures on each of your paths to find and share with others.
There are experiences and opportunities for each person that I’ve hand-crafted for who I’ve called each one to be.
This is both for the destiny you have on earth—and for all of eternity.

That’s why it’s futile to compare yourself and your journey with anyone else’s.
If you try to copy what another is doing because you like the result in their life, you will fall into a rut.

Instead of receiving the blessing that I’ve set them up for—because it’s for what I’ve called them to—
you will get stuck.

Choose to follow Me and let Me set you up for your blessings as you step into what I’ve called you to.
And as you do, as you connect with what I have for you,
you will get more and more clarity and joy as you journey onward. 

So, keep your eyes open to see and be aware of what is before you in the spiritual realm.

“This is what the Lord says, He who made the earth, 
the Lord who formed it and established it—the Lord is His name: 
‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’”
Jeremiah 33:2-3