Him in me

Oh Lord, I love You!

I love Your ways, Your presence, and all that You are.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.


Oh My child, beloved one,

Come and dwell.

As you dwell in My presence, I will indwell you.

When I indwell you, you have all that I am.

You will look like Me.

You will smell like Me.

You will have My mannerisms.

You will respond like Me.

You will have My characteristics.

You will think like Me and talk like Me.

And you will overcome like Me.


Here you are My child and you have the favor of your Father.

You have the Almighty within you and you will do great and mighty exploits.

Here you will have answers for yourself... and others.


You will carry My wisdom and live in My joy.

Here life is a celebration as you anticipate your eternity.


You will release My peace and the fragrance of Me will exude from you.

Do not be surprised when people are drawn to you... they want what you carry—Me.


So carry on.

Carry Me in grace and truth.

Carry—share—My presence and gifts, in humility.


And, be encouraged because the substance of Me will never end, or decrease.

I will only increase, My beloved.


The more you give and the more you release who I am, the bigger I will get in you.

And the easier it will be for you to walk in My image and My fullness.

And... the harder it will be for the enemy to overwhelm you.


The more time you spend with Me the bigger I will get in your world

            and in everything around you.

So go.

Live in My love and release My truth.