My Good Plan

My child, I know.

  • I know what is going on in all things.

  • I know what My ultimate plan is for your good and for well-being.

  • I know what the enemy is planning on doing and I am preparing My people so they can be aware, so they will not be sucked into it.

Beloved, I know all things.
And it is actually Me that sets the frame and timeline for all things.
I am in everything that concerns you—because you are My child and I care about every detail of your life. 
And although I am in control of it all,
I have given you My power and authority to shift things to align with My will
of goodness on the earth.

 Remember:  The enemy only has power over you when you give him access
to your thoughts.
Yes, he can forge an attack against you,
but when you are shored up in your heart and mind and you are living behind the shield of My glory,
these attacks will literally ping off of you.
It’s only when you rehearse the bad, the “what isn’t working” that his doubts and fears begin to seep in.

My precious one, when I created humanity, I gave you the mandate to take dominion over the earth,
I have given you dominion over everything.

You have the authority to take dominion over your thoughts.
You have the authority to take dominion over this virus!
I have given you to release My healing and hope to others.
Share who I Am.
And, bless Me in it.

I did not cause this, but I am using it to turn some things around that have been off-kilter for a long time
Become centered in Me for I am the Almighty One who will perfect all that concerns you.
My love will carry you through.
My truth will establish you so you can be a resource for others who don’t know Me well yet.

I am doing something mighty behind the scene.

Rejoice and be exceedingly glad.
You will come out of this shining like the sun if you keep your face turned towards the Son.