Promise of Hope

I told you to continue believing.
To know that I have you.
To stand and believe.

Now you are seeing a shift.
And look what you have gleaned from this time.
What you have could never be bought or earned.
It is only developed.

This is My heart for all My people.
It’s to live with Me and to let Me pour out My heart into and through you,
so that you trust Me in all things.

And love My people well.
That you exude Me as you grow in faith and believe.

I love you, My one.
I am rich in mercy and abounding in loving kindness—towards you.
Towards all people everywhere.
This is who I am!
I am your God and I will be the One who leads and guides you for My sake.

Do not fear.
Live in expectation.
This is what faith looks like.
Even when you don’t see it, when you haven’t been able to see through the darkness,
you can—and have—continued to look to Me.

 This is My treasure.
Now enjoy all that I have before you!

You have My promise of Hope.
Prosper and flourish, in every way My beloved.