Taking a Stance

Once I began to tune into my thoughts, the LORD showed me a nugget that is propelling me to walk in victory.


As I shared in the Tuning In article, I used to bake cookies as a counterfeit way to try to make myself feel better.

Once I became aware of this, I began to check in with the LORD whenever I wanted to bake, to make sure I was doing it from a healthy, filled up place.


So, one day, when I had the thought, “I want to bake," 
I checked in with Him like I've learned to do.
And I was stunned by what He showed me. 


This particular day I heard Him, in my spirit, say, “It’s not my best for you today.”

But I really wanted to, so I asked Him again.
“LORD, I don’t want to disobey You, but I really want to bake. Is it sin if I do?”


And I felt like He said,

“If you want to bake, you can... but that thought came from the enemy."

I felt like He continued to say,
"This is not so much a sin issue, as it is an alignment issue.

~ If you resist the thought, you will be stepping into a place   of strength, authority, and discernment in the spirit that will be marked in the heavenly realm.

~ If you don’t resist it, this will also be noted in the heavenly realm, and the enemy will know that he has a voice in your life."


This awareness shifted something inside of me.

WOW! Our stance is marked in both heaven and hell.
And how we stand (or cave) 
                    determines the level of authority we will walk in.


As I resisted the "I want to bake thought" I saw myself step up and get taller in the spirit. 


If you want to grow in the spirit and walk in more authority, ask God to:

  • help you tune in to where your thoughts are coming from.
  • give you a resolve to stand firm as You follow Him alone.
  • show you who He made you to be, and what He created you to do.